This Week at CCC: 3-29-18


This weekend we will welcome over 1,000 people for our Good Friday and Easter services. What a special opportunity we have to be an encouragement and a blessing to others, some of which who do not know Jesus. Don’t miss this opportunity to invest in the lives of others!

Good Friday

I hope you and your family are planning on joining us for our special Good Friday service that will be at 7:00 p.m. We will reflect on the life and death of Christ and what it means for our life today. We will observe the Lord’s Supper together. Childcare will be provided for those in 2nd grade and below. 

Easter Services

Our Easter services will be at 9:00 and 10:30 a.m. on Sunday morning. We have canvassed neighborhoods, invited friends and family, and loved on local businesses. Homes, businesses, and whole communities have been prayed over. Only God knows what he has in store for this Sunday!

I hope you and your family will be engaged with us at our services on Sunday. Many of you have committed to worship one service and serve the other. I’m incredibly thankful for all of you who are involved in helping make Easter special. Thanks for serving our Lord and his Church in this way!

Come and Pray

Our staff team will be meeting in the gym at 7:45 a.m. on Easter morning to pray for our services. We are going to spread out over the space and pray through the chairs. We welcome anyone who would like to show up early to pray for our attendees. 

If you are unable to join us for prayer, please commit to finding time between now and then to pray for our services. We want to pray and beg God to do a great work in the hearts and lives of those in attendance on Sunday. 

Finally, pray for me and for our worship team as we prepare to lead three services over the next few days. We can’t wait to celebrate the resurrection with you!

Praying with you,

Pastor Ronnie