Prayer & Fasting Guide

Over and over in the Bible, whenever the people of God face pivotal moments, we find them going before the Lord in prayer and fasting. Every new year is such a moment. We have the opportunity to take the next step forward in our walk with Christ, in our families, and as a church. The Lord continues to bless our efforts as a faith family and we can’t wait to see what He has in store for this year.

You may also be feeling a similar desire to ask the Lord for what’s next in your own life. Perhaps it’s career decisions, family issues, or the desire to deepen your relationship with Jesus. Whatever it is, a period of prayer and fasting is the tried and true first step.

We want to call you to join us in taking one week to cry out to God together as a church. We’ll pray for situations in our own lives as well as the future of our church. We’ll ask that God would use us as individuals and us as a church to reach the lost in our area. Throughout the week, we’d ask you to fast, as well.

Read the passages each day, spend time on the reflection questions, and then join us in prayer over these six things:

  • Pray that our church would be resolved to stay committed to the mission of making gospel-centered disciples among all people for the glory of God.
  • Pray for a spirit of unity to permeate our members, leaders, staff, and pastors.
  • Pray for God to provide a long-term facility for our Denver campus to meet in.
  • Pray for opportunities to have a gospel conversation with a specific person this month.
  • Pray that you would know and love God more at the end of 2023 than ever before.
  • Pray for the greatest burden on your heart.

We’re praying with you and for you this week. We expect God to hear and answer our prayers and we’re excited to see what the future holds at Christ Community.

Sunday, January 15

Read Colossians 1:1-14
  1. As you read Paul’s thanksgiving over the Colossians’ salvation, take a minute to think about your own salvation. Is your heart grateful for it? Do you rejoice in the fact that the gospel has come to you?
  2. After rejoicing over their salvation, Paul indicates that he’s praying for their growth, too. He prays that they’d grow in knowledge, character, and that they’d bear fruit. How are you growing in these three areas? Are you learning more about God and His Word? Overcoming sin and growing in holiness? Bearing fruit? If so, pray for more. If not, pray for help.

Monday, January 16

Read Colossians 1:15-29
  1. In these verses, the Apostle Paul glories in the supremacy of Christ. How do you see the supremacy of Christ in your life? In your work? In your family? In our church?
  2. After the greetings of verses 1 thru 14, the first thing Paul wants to make clear is the preeminence of Christ. Why do you think he start with this? What implications might the supremacy of Christ have for our lives?

Tuesday, January 17

Read Colossians 2:1-15
  1. In verse six, the text says “walk in him”. What do you think that means? Why does the Bible often use the metaphor of walking to describe our spiritual life? What does it mean to be rooted and built up in Christ?
  2. In verses 13-15, we read that Jesus has paid for our sins and canceled our debts by nailing them to the cross. Reflect for a moment on what that means. What sins in your life has Jesus paid for? How does it make you feel to know that you stand forgiven before God?

Wednesday, January 18

Read Colossians 2:16-23
  1. One of the things we’re praying for is continued commitment to our mission in 2023 and beyond. Today’s passage teaches us that growth comes from God. As we walk forward in faith, let’s continue to pray that God would grow our church.
  2. This section of scripture teaches us to not submit to man-made religion in order to be righteous, but instead to cling to Christ. Are there any ways in which you’re trying to earn God’s love? Let go of those. Instead, ask God to help you keep your eyes on Christ.

Thursday, January 19

Read Colossians 1:24-29
  1. Paul says he felt his ministry was a stewardship that he had to carry out. Do you feel that way about the ministry God has called you to in our church? How does your serving in our church advance the Kingdom of God? How can you call others to serve alongside you?
  2. We also read that one of Paul’s goals for the church was that people would be mature in Christ. What do you think being mature in Christ looks like for you? What specific ways do you feel the Lord is calling you to mature in your faith?

Friday, January 20

Read Colossians 3:1-17
  1. As we are seeking and setting our minds on the things above, do a personal inventory in your life. What are some of the things that you need to put to death? What are some of the things that you need to put on?
  2. In verse 14, Paul writes that above all, we should put on love. Why do you think this is the chief characteristic we are to focus on?

Saturday, January 21

Read Colossians 3:18-4:6
  1. In verse 24, Paul says “you are serving the Lord Christ.” What do you think this means? What does it look like to serve the Lord in our daily lives? In our work? In our homes? In the church?
  2. Would you describe yourself as “watchful in prayer”? How can we grow in this area? Thinking back to the supremacy of Christ in chapter one, why is prayer so important in the life of a Christian?

Sunday, January 22

Read Colossians 4:7-18
  1. Paul is writing this letter from prison. He’s there for preaching the Gospel. Would you be willing to go to jail for the sake of the Gospel? Why or why not?
  2. In verse 12, Paul says he is struggling in prayer on behalf of his friend. Is there anyone in your life that you’re consistently praying for?